How to Wrap a Perm for a Cowlick

A: The term is actually a "cowlick" (not colic or collick) and comes from the old wives' tale that a child's hair grew in an odd direction because his or her head was licked by a cow as a baby.
Cowlicks are generally found in the forehead or crown area of the head. When perming the hair, you have to take the finished style into consideration when deciding on how to wrap the perm over a cowlick. If the style is meant to be a curly perm (lots of curls and volume all over) then wrap the hair so that the curl will form to hang over the cowlick and avoid creating a "hole" in the hairstyle.
Just remember that as soon as the new hair growth emerges, you will see the "cowlick" (or whichever growth pattern you're dealing with) begin to reform. This can inadvertently distort the style by causing the curls to stick out higher in the area of the cowlick. You may even need to re-perm the hair a little more frequently, depending on the severity of the problem.
Also remember that with any perm, you want to wrap the hair around the rods neatly, with minimal tension. Because perming the hair can be harsh, a tightly wrapped perm is more likely to cause breakage in fine or porous hair. The hair should be wrapped smoothly with no loose strands and no fishhooks (bends in the ends of the hair from being reversed around the rod when wrapping the hair).
See also:
Is there any way to get rid of a cowlick in your hair?
How to cut a fringe when you have to deal with a cowlick
What causes cowlicks and why is my hair getting worse as I age?