Photo: Lipik Stock Media/ShutterstockQ: To get perfect curls, do you need to blow or straighten your hair first or after towel drying it? Do you start with
the tongs? What products should I put in my hair beforehand or during the process? Thanks for your feedback.
A: Getting perfect curls depends on the method you are using to curl the hair. Aside from permanent waves, there are a few methods
for curling the hair. You can use a roller set on wet hair and dry the hair while rolled, wrap the hair using hot rollers on dried hair, or create curls using a curling iron.
If you are planning to use a heated appliance (curling iron or hot rollers) to create the curls, you need to make sure the hair is fully dry before using a heated appliance. If the hair is damp,
the hot rollers will not work. The hair will fall flat and a curling iron will simply "boil" the moisture out of the hair, damaging it in the process. Never use a hot appliance on wet or damp hair.