Covering Gray Hair and Redness

I have light brown hair with a little red tint. I want my hair to look a natural light brown but coloring it makes it look more red than brown. What can I do to achieve a light brown look without the redness and hide the gray?
In addition, because the products are marketed for at home use, they don't expect the men who buy the products to be interested in things like "base color" and therefore rarely include such information on the labeling.
It sounds like the problem you are experiencing comes from the color being used having a red base color which applied on top of your existing color (also with a red base) is emphasizing the redness of the hair. To counter this, you will want to select a hair color shade that uses either a neutral or drab/green color base which will counter the red of your hair and leave you with a more natural-looking brown.
This complicated aspect of choosing hair color to balance a natural overtone in the hair, is one reason why it is always advisable to seek a professional's assistance in coloring your hair. Don't let outmoded attitudes about men in salons keep you from seeking out the assistance of qualified and trained professionals.
If you think you can handle it at home yourself, be sure to review our articles on hair color fully to learn all you can before going to the beauty supply store and getting these products yourself. Focus especially on the articles concerning selecting the right shade and covering gray hair.
You will be dealing with separate hair color and developer, and in your case you will need to select a 10-volume peroxide developer to mix with the hair color in order to create a deposit only color.
You may also want to look for an additive you can mix into the hair color when it is to be used on graying hair. These usually are sold in small, single-use ampules or packets of ampules. The additive will help to soften the cuticle of the gray hair and allow the hair color mixture to fully penetrate and give even coverage.
See also:
How to color hair
How to cover gray hair with hair color
What men should use to color their hair