How to Choose Sunglasses to Suit Your Face

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The Oblong Face
With a long and narrow oblong face, you need to play down the length of your face. Pick round or square shaped sunglasses that do a good job of widening as well as shortening your face. However, while widening is good, remember that your sunglasses shouldn’t be wider than the broadest part of your face or they’ll end up looking too big for your face.
Useful Tips
So while those are the tips depending your face shape, here are some other general tips that might be useful when you’re out there shopping for that perfect pair of sunglasses.
• Don’t be afraid of color. So yes, black and brown are eternal favorites but with the 80s revolution in full swing, you can always invest in a pair of colored sunglasses. Choose a color that goes with most of your outfits and is ideal for your personality.
• Choose the lens color according to intended use. Colors and contrast cannot be seen as well through red or blue lenses. That makes these unsuitable for driving. Go instead for green, brown or gray. These colors provide optimal and undistorted vision.
• Go for quality lenses. These ensure vision that is optically correct. That means no distortion, optimal resolution and image quality. And clear vision since the lenses are waterrepellent and their anti-reflective coating prevents glare.
• Lenses with blue light filters are worth it. Visible light, the socalled blue light with a wavelength from around 380 to 500 nanometers, can be dangerous for our eyes, leading to irreversible photochemical reactions. Cataracts, damage to the retina, or macular degeneration can result from unprotected fun in the sun.
• Cheap Vs Expensive? Well…I have both and I know I shouldn’t buy really cheap sunglasses but I can’t help it. They look so nice and I can’t afford $300 sunglasses all the time. Yes, expensive branded pairs will probably provide you better protection from the harmful rays of the sun however.
• Casual and formal. I have a couple of expensive pairs that I wear on formal occasions so I look chic like the other people with me. But for everyday wear, I have some casual pairs that don’t look too formal for my everyday jeans and t shirts. I’d suggest everyone have at least one casual and one formal pair.
• Safe and secure: Only glasses that can withstand the strong forces of impact in case of emergency are permitted for driving. Moreover, the field of vision should not be too restricted. The main thing is to keep an eye on things while on the road. Rimless models are ideal.
• Your sunglasses should fit you right and you should be able to wear them for hours on end. So make sure they sit right on the bridge of your nose so it’s not constantly slipping off. Also, while it’s important they fit right, make sure they’re not too tight or you’ll end up with a headache every time you wear them.
Happy shopping girls….with these tips, you’re bound to look like a superstar in your sunglasses!
© Photos: Silhouette