Wearing Crocs: Are They Hot or Not?

Well, the debate is endless and so are the people's reasons for liking or disliking these colorful innovative plastic shoes.
As the story goes, in 2002, the Foam Creations Company, now rebranded as Crocs, came up with innovative and colorful new boat shoes fashioned from hard wearing, light weight plastic. These shoes created ripples in footwear for the boating industry as it served a purpose in many ranges of everyday activities.
These crocs were perfect to be used in water, sand, bashed about and roughened up in sea. The best part was that they were perfect for bathing in the sea, playing in the sand being protective and have large ventilation holes to let water and sand pass through. Traditional slippers and fancy sandals lacked these qualities and more often would get ruined.
With vibrant colors, protection, and durability as its selling point, crocs have become quite favored beach wear for most of the people. The company crocs have also kept up with the trends and have come up with a wide variety of shapes and innovation to keep the market going.
Do you know that now crocs also come in girlie ballet flats, Mary Janes, flip flops, and skimmers as well?
Now, let us see some of its advantages that make it the preferred shoes for beaches:
1. They are light weight, weighing only 6 ounces.
2. They are very comfortable.
3. Keeps the feet cool through its ventilation holes.
4. It has slip-resistant soles, which is a very important security factor when playing in water.
5. They are bacteria and odor resistant.
6. The ventilation holes allow water and sand to pass through.
7. They can be easily sterilized in water and bleach.
8. They are easy maintenance. Just wipe them off to clean.
9. Kids love the vibrant color and easy fit.
10. The sandal straps at the back make them secure.

Now, coming back to the question of whether crocs are hot or not, well, many people do not like them for their bright color and boy-cut design. But again many people prefer to wear them at beaches and to water sports.
Personally speaking, I don't dig crocs and would rather not be seen in streets sporting them. But, keeping the practical side, I think they are a good option if you are planning to hit the beach this summer or taking part in any water sports as they are durable and safe. They can also be used while gardening and made as bathroom slippers, looking at its slip-resistant quality. Also consider that now crocs have also come up with women's footwear.
So, it now up to you to decide if these crocs are hot or not. So what do you think?