Tina Fey's Hairstyles

Tina Fey with straightened hair
Photo by PR Photos
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Tina Fey's hairstyles are shown here in 2004 and 2009. In the earlier photo, Tina Fey sports the popular long layers with a straightened and smoothed appearance. We're quite familiar with that look, aren't we?
In the subsequent picture, we see perhaps a bit more layering, but this time in curls, with waves that twist and turn. Which one appeals to you? Let's take a closer look at these two different hairstyles.
In the first picture, there is a sense of serenity and calm. Nice, but not particularly exciting. Now, move to the next picture and observe her expression. Does she seem more vibrant and alive?
Tina Fey wearing her hair in curls
Photo: Featureflash Photo Agency/Shutterstock
Could it be the combination of what she's wearing and the sunlight catching her curls? In the first picture, note the muted colors in the background and the attire that resembles a nightgown. It's not exactly stirring. The latter picture seems to exude life.
See also: More Tina Fey Hairstyles