Mena Suvari's Longer Hair

Mena Suvari's hair with gold and reddish tones
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Mena Suvari has a large amount of gold and reddish highlights over her brown hair, which is cut in longer lengths.
Her hair comes down from the side part and blankets over the side of her forehead and face into a subtle wave along the side. The rest of the hair falls informally and lies easily around her shoulders in a variety of messy curls and coils.
Mena's pretty smile is brought out by her lovely blue eyes, which are accentuated with brown/beige eyeshadows, eyeliner, lashes, mascara, a small touch of blush, and a neutral pink lip tone.
Mena Suvari with longer hair
Photo by PR Photos
The black turtleneck collar that is so close to her face was a good idea as it partially frames her pretty face. In addition, the dark gray coat serves to frame the turtleneck sweater. Good taste, Mena!
See also: More long hairstyles