Kate Beckinsale's Fake Angled Bob

Kate Beckinsale's fake angled bob
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Let's look at what Kate Beckinsale had done to her hair! Very interesting! At first glance, you don't notice how her hair is styled under to imitate a plunging bob.
This means she still has her long hair, as we can see remnants of it along the front on the sides from the center part. Her lush brown hair color is another plus for Kate, as it appears to be a rich horse chestnut with a few thin variable highlights.
We've got to admit, her face looks exciting and beautiful, and part of this scene-stealer's allure is her high Cleopatra gold necklace studded with diamonds. Her dewy complexion has touches of bronze and blush that enhance her eyes, which are adorned with concealer, brown eyeshadow, eyeliner, lashes, and mascara.
Kate Beckinsale with her hair styled to imitate a plunged bob
Photos by PR Photos
Her natural brows complement her earthy appearance and match the neutral lip color. Her medium-dark blue strapless gown becomes an asset along with the necklace.
See also: More updos