Sara Sanderson's Hair

Sara Sanderson - Long blonde hair with corkscrew curls
Photo by PR Photos
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Sara Sanderson is the envy of the party with her long blonde hair wrapped up in winding, twisting corkscrew curls that fall way below her shoulders. Her bangs are feather-light, tipping just below her eyebrows, offering a cheery welcome to those around.
Her eyebrows are light and natural, complemented by a light eyeshadow around her greenish eyes. She wears light eyeliner, mascara, a hint of blush, and a neutral lip tint. She is wearing a remarkable Neptune green/blue color that is perfect for her hair, eyes, and light golden skin tone.
The only thing I would change for Sara is to sweep her curls over to one side and perhaps add a pretty matching hairband across her forehead. Totally smashing, Sara!
Sara Sanderson wearing long blonde hair with bangs and curls
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More long hairstyles