Sandra Bullock's Up-style

Sandra Bullock - Brown hair with a sun bleached effect
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Sandra Bullock has naturally dark brown hair that complements her stunning deep brown eyes. Throughout her hair, there are bronzed and blonde stripes that create a sun-bleached effect, adding dimension to her up-style.
Her hair is pulled away from her face and fastened in the back, with different long strands hanging in the front. I've seen her look fabulous with her naturally dark hair and neat curls at the back of her head. She is a true winter type and looks great when wearing bold colors like greens, reds, white, black, pink, bright yellow, purple, and blues.
She wears a light foundation on her face along with concealer, an iridescent light shadow, feathered and penciled eyebrows, heavy eyeliner, lashes, and mascara. A touch of blush brings a light frosty color to her lips.
Sandra Bullock wearing her hair in an upstyle
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Sandra Bullock hairstyles