Maria Menounos' Smooth Hair

Maria Menounos with her hair styled smoothly back
Photo by PR Photos
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Maria Menounos has natural medium-dark brown hair and keeps it in warm golden/cinnamon tones. She prefers to smooth it back into a secure tie along the lower area at the back of her head. The top half cascades into a fall and flows over to tip the top of her shoulder.
There is a slight angle on the long bangs that complements the energy of the hairstyle. When she puts the section back, as seen in the second photo, we can notice the two distinct picturesque divisions of her hairstyle.
There is a lot of warmth in Maria's facial makeup. Her skin has a medium to light olive tone. She keeps her brows natural, tweezed, and dark. She wears concealer, a light fawn eyeshadow, eyeliner on both upper and lower lids, along with lashes and mascara. There are generous amounts of bronzer dusted around her features and a light glossy lip tint.
The large looped earrings draw attention to her lovely swan-like neck.
Maria Menounos with her hair in a tie along the lower area
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Maria Menounos hairstyles