Sarah Harding's Shag Hairstyle

Sarah Harding - Short hairstyle with hair over the ears
Photo by PR Photos
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Although Sarah Harding uses a high degree of chemical service to achieve the white platinum color we see in her hair, she keeps her hair cut short with longer spiky angles that cover one eye and lie upon one side. She is wearing the typical long top shag hairstyle with a covered neckline.
While her hair can peek over her ears, she wears the ends around the ears. Her crown is short enough to gather up the desired pouf. Her makeup is applied lightly with foundation, blush/bronzer, and thin brows. She also wears eyeliner, lashes, mascara, and a slick lip tint.
Sarah's strapless sky blue gown is a perfect color for her skin tone, eyes, and platinum hair. The only other color that would bring just a little bit more oomph is red. Her tiny loop earrings are a delicate addition to the dress.
Sarah Harding  - Short hair with a covered neckline
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More short hairstyles