Ciara's Short Hair

Ciara's short hairstyle
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Ciara's short hairstyle packs plenty of punch and complements the energy in her brown eyes. Her hair is styled in choppy, jagged layers that frame her face in a lightning-like angle, taking over one side.
The crown pops up with a single piece, revealing the short hair length that offers volume around her head. The sides feature jazzy strands that streamline into unique threads, with a fringe covering her neck in the back.
Ciara's golden skin tone brings out attractive blushes of tawny warmth, accompanied by smoky eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara. She wears a light white-pink lip color. Her light gray-blue satin dress has large, wide-shouldered sleeves and gathers together at the center.
Ciara with short hair
Photos by PR Photos
Photo by PR Photos
Ciara can successfully wear any color because of her skin tone, but her best colors would be orange, yellow, and turquoise.
See also: More short hairstyles