Bree Turner's Updo

Bree Turner wearing her hair up with a topknot
Photos by PR Photos
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Bree Turner sweeps her hair up into a high topknot above her crown, securing it with a hairband to stabilize the curls. Thin strands of hair fan out, some in small spikes and others in rounded waves or delicate strips.
With Bree's hairline fully exposed, we can now see her high forehead and get an idea of how much makeup she is wearing. Following today's trend, her foundation is lightly transparent, with just a few penciled strokes defining her brows. Eyeliner is applied to both the upper and lower lash lines, with minimal or no blush and a natural flesh-toned lip color.
The only thing I would change on Ms. Turner is to give her some light, chunky bangs that graze the top of her brows. This would enhance her appeal and create a less tightly pulled look.
Bree Turner's updo with a topknot
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Bree Turner hairstyles