Coco Rocha's Red Hair

Coco Rocha - Long red hair styled into cylinder curls
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Coco Rocha was born in Toronto, Canada, on September 10, 1988. A true rising star in the modeling industry, Vogue magazine has been known to dub her "the Coco movement."
Coco is sporting a magnificent sparkling sherry/coppery hair color that pays homage to redheads. Her long flaming red locks are styled into various cylindrical curls around her head, while the top is smoothly directed around her crown and along her face.
Her flawless makeup enhances her milky white skin and features smoky taupe eyeshadow, lightly penciled brows, eyeliner, subtle lashes with mascara, blush, and a neutral flesh-pink lip color.
Her gorgeous ruffled blue gown perfectly complements her coppery hair. To draw more attention to her hair and eyes, adding some touches of blue wrapped around her neckline, like a scarf, would be a great idea.
Coco Rocha- Fashionable redhead with long hair
Photo by PR Photos
Redhead Coco Rocha wearing a blue gown
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More long hairstyles