Lydia Hearst's Blonde Ponytail

Lydia Hearst is one of those natural medium blonde-haired women that brunette wannabes yearn to emulate. Brunettes want to be light and blonde, and some blondes think about being lush, exotic brunettes. The middle-of-the-roaders have become satisfied with what they have and learn to make the most of it.
Lydia's hair has been lightened a couple of levels to a light platinum blonde. Simply worn in a ponytail, her hair is parted in the center, brushed back, and secured with a hair clasp along the nape of her neck.
Lydia wears her makeup in uncomplicated touches of art, beginning with her arched brows with a few penciled-in strokes. Light, warm, and dark shadows are blended on her eyes, complemented by lashes and mascara. Eyeliner, blush, and a little bit of bronzer grace her cheeks, paired with a red lip tint with an orange base.
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