Halle Berry's Short Angled Bob

Halle Berry with her hair in a short bob
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Halle Berry is wearing a mesh of selective blonde and warm brown slices throughout her short angled bob. When I reflect on the times when Halle has looked her most fashionable and attractive, it has always been with shorter hair.
Her photos showcase how the bob can feature dips and large curls instead of the usual bone straightness. Personally, I prefer her original dark hair over the lighter streaks. With her dark hair, she exudes an aura of exoticism and mystery, while the blonde highlights seem to detract from this.
Halle opts for a natural finish with her makeup. She wears gold eyeshadow, light brown liner, mascara, natural brows with a few penciled strokes, bronze blush, and a light neutral lip tint.
Halle Berry's new shorter haircut
Photos by PR Photos
See also: More short hairstyles