Jessica Stroup's Hair with Curls

Jessica Stroup's hair with a chestnut mahogany tone
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Jessica Stroup's hair color ranges closely to a rich chestnut/mahogany tone without any highlights. It's actually refreshing to see a head of hair without highlights. Her hairstyle is designed with long layers and arranged in glossy rounded curls that curl away from her face.
If you're interested in this particular hairstyle, remember to bring the top down with your blow dryer and brush. Then, section your hair around your head. When you curl the sides, start measuring your beginning point to about the top of your cheekbones, and wrap vertically around your iron, curling away from the face. Allow your hair to hang in the curls as pictured. Complete this process around your hair.
Jessica has the most amazing blue eyes, and she accentuates them with dark eyeliner, mascara, and a smoky taupe shadow. She has tweezed brows, a small amount of blush, and a very neutral lip tone. Her black and white spring dress looks absolutely stunning on her! The tied shoulder straps are especially appealing because they are unique and different.
Jessica Stroup's long hair with curls
Photo by PR Photos
Tip: If you can find a way to look different and attractive like Jessica, you will stand out in the crowd. In her case, she has one very exclusive shade of hair and is wearing an incomparable dress.
See also: More long hairstyles