Reese Witherspoon's Blonde Hair

Reese Witherspoon - Long blonde hairstyle with bangs
Photos by PR Photos
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Perhaps Reese Witherspoon's pensiveness is evident in the pictures due to her rapid rise to fame and fortune. One could barely find time to think.
Reese wears her long hair in multi-tones of blondes with lighter browns lending a prominent influence. Her bangs are styled delicately over the brows, achieving a delicate balance of pieces. The layers cascade down with tilted edges and sweeping siesta coils.
Reese wears muted-colored eyeshadows, top eyeliner, lightly penciled brows, mascara, blush, and a light pink lip tint. Her attractive gray neckline is a real boost because the colors balance her entire look without her even realizing it.
Reese Witherspoon with her hair in multi-tones of blondes
Photo by PR Photos
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