Eva Marcille's Hair with Fingerwaves

Eva Marcille - Short hairstyle with finger waves
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Let's get really excited! Waves are making a dynamic comeback. If your hairstylist doesn't know how to create them, ask her to attend a class to learn and be among the first to lead the way.
Waves are feminine and soften a face. With Eva Marcille, there is a small, quick part that allows for the large C-curl connected to the wave, centered onto her forehead, while the wave itself lies over her temple.
There are finger waves on the sides of her short hair that lie close to her head and above her ears, with another curl winding over her ears and waves across the back, with the bottom flipping up. There is waving lotion you can purchase to try finger waves for yourself. Use a wide-toothed comb as you go.
Eva Marcille - Short hair with waves
Photo by PR Photos
Eva's makeup features plenty of bronzing that warms her skin tone, subtle brown shadows, light eyeliner, lashes, and mascara, light bottom liner, blush/bronze, lip liner, and a neutral lip tint. The only thing I would change would be to skip the lip liner.
Tip: Think twice before using lip liner, as it can draw too much attention to your lips. Sometimes, this is the first thing people notice if you're wearing liner. It's better to use a lip brush and blend it in with the rest of your color.
Eva Marcille with short waves hair
Photo by PR Photos
Eva Marcille
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Eva Marcille hairstyles