Katy Perry's Bob

Katy Perry wearing her hair in a long bob with smooth bangs
Photo by PR Photos
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Katy Perry is wearing her charcoal-colored hair in a long bob hairstyle that barely touches the top of her shoulders. Her bangs are smoothly styled to tip her brows.
There are several styling gels on the market you can purchase to help achieve the sleek smoothness Katy has with her bob, or you can always try your hand in your kitchen to make your own.
Learn how to make homemade styling gel: Just buy some unflavored gelatin, use warm water, and add your favorite essential oil for fragrance. Experiment with the consistency of the mixture, as everyone's hair texture is different. Be sure to keep it in the fridge when you are not using it to help extend the life of your homemade gel. Apply it as you blow dry section by section.
Katy has heavy eyeliner and lashes, light eyeshadow, subtly penciled brows, red lips, and a hint of warmth on her face. The combination of her white top and dark hair always creates a stunning effect when worn.
See also: More Katy Perry hairstyles