Heather Graham's Straight Hair

Heather Graham - Hairstyle for long fine hair
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Heather Graham is wearing her fine hair long and parted off-center, with a fluffy, straight appeal along her sides. There are a few darker, thin swatches of blonde and brown intermingled throughout her hairstyle. Most interesting are the darker shades of hair on the ends that somewhat match her center area.
Heather's makeup is easygoing and light. Heavy eyeliner, which is so prominent today, natural brows, the barest blush, and a lip tint that complements the V-scooped dress she is wearing. Her dress is a mix between a light, bright, rich watermelon and a rose pink.
The best thing about Heather's overall appearance is her talent for smiling with her eyes. Tip: Want to be popular? Look in the mirror and start practicing smiling with your eyes, and you will notice more ardent admirers heading your way. Smile until your jaws hurt!
Heather Graham wearing a red dress
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Back view of Heather Graham's long straight hair
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See also: More Heather Graham hairstyles