Gemma Arterton's Hairstyle

Gemma Arterton - Above shoulder length hairstyle with layers
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Gemma Arterton has a wealth of dark saddle-brown hair that appears to have touches of eggplant tones throughout her above-shoulder-length hairstyle.
Lengthy layers have been cut about 10 cm (4 inches) up from the edges, giving a delightful feathered effect around her neckline. Shorter, wispy bangs are above her brows, revealing her stunning deep brown eyes. A little smoothing serum will help to connect the cuticles and place the hair where you desire.
There are two striking contrasts with Gemma. One is with her creamy white skin next to her dark hair, and the other is with her hair set against her white blouse. Both are quite complementary. The setting is something like white upon black next to white again.
Gemma Arterton's hairstyle with ispy bangs
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Gemma Arterton wearing a white blouse
Photo by PR Photos
Gemma's makeup includes heavy upper eyeliner, subtle effects on the lower eyes, slight penciling on her brows, mascara, light pink blush, and lip tint.
See also: More Gemma Arterton hairstyles