Agyness Deyn's Blonde Bob

Agyness Deyn's just up from the collar bob haircut
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Agyness Deyn is wearing her signature hair color of platinum white in a bob, and this time she seems to have a few darker streaks of color. Choppy, splayed ends fringe in angles along the sides of her face and ride over her brows, almost threatening to touch her eyes.
The hair in the back is just up from the collar and tucks under along the neckline. Her heavy bangs begin high up from the crown and are combed toward her face.
She is wearing a busy, word-oriented jacket that goes well with the black shirt. There is a large, hip orange bulky cross that demands attention along with the gold knick-knacks attached to the chain. One large black and yellow bag stands out as if to say, "I've been busy shopping, what have you been doing?"
Agyness's pool of blue eyes is surrounded by eyeliner, heavy blue shadow, blush, and very transparent lip tint.
Agyness Deyn with her hair in a neckline length bob
Photos by PR Photos
See also: More Agyness Deyn hairstyles