Kym Johnson's Neck-Length Hair

Kym Johnson's neck-length hair with large curls
Photo by PR Photos
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Kym Johnson's striking pose brings many smiles, and she is wearing a gorgeous gray gown! Kym keeps texture in her neck-length hair by tinting it blonde with a few panels of brown.
Her soft image is achieved by the easy large curls that circulate around her head, some on the forehead, and a windfall of thready curls gathered about the neckline and sides. Using hot rollers or a medium-sized curling iron will help achieve this lovely style. Use a wide-toothed comb when you comb out your hair, only once.
Kym's makeup brings a series of bronzing, smoky shadows up and under the lids about halfway and blended into the edge of the eye, eyeliner, and a delicate light neutral lip tint. Even though her brows are quite t hin, they appear to be very natural, and this is a real plus to her good looks.
Kym Johnson
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Kym Johnson hairstyles