Leven Ramblin's Long Curls

Leven Ramblin's long blonde hair begins with a sleek off-center part and dips below her mouth before a mass of curls plunge below her shoulders. Winding coils and scattered lazy loops make up this healthy head of hair.
The battle of brunettes versus natural blondes has gone on for ages. So much envy occurs that brunettes become blondes, but how many blondes do you see going brunette? The answer is, very few.
Leven is wearing heavy eyeliner and light shadow that goes into her inner creases and outer eyelids. Tip: When you wear eyeliner, remember it will close up your eyes, not widen them. Leven's eyes would look much larger without the heavy eyeliner. A concentration on an eyelash curler, mascara, or false lashes instead of heavy liner would definitely open her eyes. Her spring-type dress is befitting with her long curls, which she could also wear up in the back with a gentle cascade.
See also: More long hairstyles