Michelle Stafford's Hair

Michelle Stafford's long smooth hair with texturized ends
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Michelle Stafford exhibits a rhapsody of shadows with her long strawberry brown/blonde hair. Her ends are a darker hue that matches her pieced bangs, creating a striking contrast.
When you step back and look at the photo, there is a definite oblong frame to her hairstyle. Slanted, texturized ends have been cut along the sides, peering toward each other under her chin line. The application of generous amounts of smoothing crème will help combat frizz.
There are many lines of smoothing serum on the market today to choose from. If you have curly hair, apply the serum and allow your hair to air dry. If you want the smooth effect that Michelle has, lightly apply dabs over your hair after it is dry.
Michelle Stafford wearing a black turtleneck
Photo by PR Photos
Michelle Stafford's long hair with sides that peer toward each other
Photo by PR Photos
One last comment about Michelle: her makeup is light, and because of the coloring of her hair, the neutrality of her lip tint, and her black turtleneck, we can easily see the pink tones in her face and the punch of her blue eyes!
See also: More Michelle Stafford hairstyles