Kelly Osbourne's Pixie Cut

Kelly Osbourne with clipper-cut hair
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Kelly Osbourne has deep brown hair that dips into a wave at the center of her forehead and ends in a generous wide curl along the side of her temple.
Her hair is clipper-cut high and tight along the sides, around her ears, and up into her crown. The longest sections of hair are on the top, and the dark brown color definitely highlights Kelly's attractive eyes.
Because she has a square face, I would recommend she grow her hair out into a smooth or curly bob, just above her chin line. This way, the curls or smoothness of the cut would help camouflage the shape of her face.
Her diamond earrings also draw attention to her eyes and lips.
Kelly Osbourne's pixie cut with buzzed sides
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Kelly Osbourne hairstyles