Taylor Swift's Curls

Taylor Swift with long curly hair
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As we can see from Taylor Swift's new growth, she has natural blonde hair! Some of us might resemble a skunk or an Oreo cookie if we were to let our hair grow out.
The top layer of her layered hair is smoothed into a delightful wave that settles near one end of her eye. After this smooth wave, the fun begins as both sides fall into curls below her shoulders.
This hairstyle is akin to wearing a smooth hat on top, allowing for the dramatic entrance of the coils. That's the essence of showbiz! The drama of smooth hair introducing a cascade of lush curls!
If you're seeking attention, this hairstyle will certainly garner plenty of glances when you walk into a room. Taylor's hairstylist chose to give her small sections of curls for added pizzazz and staying power.
Taylor Swift with curls below her shoulders
Photo by PR Photos
Taylor's eyeliner is reminiscent of the sixties with Cleopatra-like lines. Notice the scrumptious color of her purple violet dress! Purple or violet is definitely trending, so lovers of this color, like myself, will find it easier to locate their favorite hue in stores. Violet is truly a vibrant color!
See also: More Taylor Swift hairstyles