Reese Witherspoon's Curled Hair

Reese Witherspoon wearing her hair in a fifties style
Photos: Tinseltown/Shutterstock
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Reese Whitherspoon's elfin chin is a charming trademark that sets her apart from many other actresses.
Her hair is styled in an almost '50s smooth style, brushed over from the side and designed in coiled waves and curls. The other side is brushed behind her ear and gathers together with the rest of the curls in the back.
The best way to achieve this lovely creation is to roll your hair with conventional rollers in the direction you would like it to go. Roll the top down from the part until you reach your brows, then vertically wrap the rollers toward your face. Do the same with the crown, nape, and sides. When dry, brush the top to correspond with the hanging curls left from the rollers. Apply some gloss for shine.
Reese is wearing a striking sun gold necklace that complements her navy blue strapless dress and earrings. I wouldn't change a thing about her, as she looks every bit the sophisticated lady, exuding class.
Hair brushed over from the side - Reese Witherspoon
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Reese Whitherspoon hairstyles