Simona Ventura's Slithered Hair

Simona Ventura with orange hair and wearing a black turtleneck
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Italian celebrity Simona Ventura has natural dark brown hair. Being the outgoing gal that she is, she likes her hair in a maddening color that falls somewhere between strawberry blonde, gold, and orange bronze - a hue definitely not for the faint of heart.
Her hair appears to be slithered with a razor to achieve the choppy ends that hang loosely around her turtleneck. The choice of a blue-black turtleneck shirt is excellent - it shows off her hair color with striking contrast.
Simona also wears a great necklace that breaks up the dark color she's wearing. Her smile adds an overall image of festive gaiety. We could all benefit from smiling like Simona.
Long razor slithered hair - Simona Ventura
Photo by PR Photos
Simona Ventura
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Simona Ventura hairstyles