Olga Kurylenko's Carefree Hair

Olga Kurylenko wearing carefree shoulder touching hair
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Olga Kurylenko is wearing shoulder-length hair cut in layers that billow out from her face, giving a carefree attitude to the style of her bangs.
Notice how most of today's hairstyles convey a lighthearted, playful look that says, 'My hair is styled, but not too fixed.' In other words, after taking out the rollers and brushing, the hands go up to muss it a bit, so it doesn't look too rigid. Even some bobs are tousled. However, if you're looking for a sleeker appeal, you might consider one of today's edged bobs.
Olga exemplifies a balanced approach to hairstyling with her medium-length hair, featuring curls that are not too curly and smoothness that is not too straight. Often, our hairstyle can reflect how balanced we are in our everyday life. For example, if we wear our hair severely straight, are we rigid and unbending in our views? This rigidity will often show in the lines on our face as well.
Carefree hairstyle for shoulder touching hair - Olga Kurylenko
Photos by PR Photos
See also: More Olga Kurylenko hairstyles