Paris Hilton's Hair with Curls

Paris Hilton - Long blonde hair with curls
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Where did Paris' short hair go? Perhaps what we're seeing are extensions or a wig, given the remarkable match to her own platinum beige color.
Forever ultra-feminine, Paris Hilton wears her hair in long curls that cascade below her shoulders. Her black dress is adorned with golden chains and tiny yellow horses scattered throughout the design.
Additionally, the dress features personalized beige straps displaying her name. Did she design this dress herself? If so, bravo to Paris! The black provides a good contrast with her blonde hair, allowing her to pull off the other colors on the dress, which are small and not directly next to her face. Of course, Paris likely knew this all along; she's a pro!
Paris Hilton with hair below the shoulders
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Paris Hilton hairstyles