Christina Hendricks with Curls

Christina Hendricks - Medium length hairstyle with layered curls
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If anyone can pull off strawberry brown/blonde hair, it's Christina Hendricks. It beautifully complements the blue in her eyes, and her milky skin takes on a rosy hue!
Her layered curls exude a carefree elegance, flowing wherever they please! Simplicity in a hairstyle can be both advantageous and infectious once you get the hang of it!
After washing, conditioning, and drying your hair, use a medium curling iron to curl irregular sections, creating triangular forms. Wrap some sections vertically, with pieces curling away from your face, while others curl toward it. Gently curl the top layer under slightly, while curling the other part back a bit.
Allow the curls to fall naturally. Lightly tousle them with your hands, aiming for a slightly undone look. Finish with a spritz of gloss for added shine.
Christina Hendricks
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Christina Hendricks hairstyles