Trilby Glover's Long Hair

Trilby Glover - Blonde hair that falls below the shoulders
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Trilby Glover has multiple layers of blonde hair that fall below her shoulders in wispy ribbons. The top section moves over to one side in a smooth gesture that meets the hair along the side. The sides are bloused out a bit from her head, lending a nice frame around her hairline.
To achieve this look, use hairspray to fluff out the sides. Simply brush your hair up and out, hold the inside of your hair in place while it is up, and spray. Move your fingers up while gently pulling through the lines of the hair. Spray the top as you lightly run your hand over the top shaft for the desired smoothness.
Everything matches with what Trilby is wearing. Her earrings match her dress, as do the shoes, and even her blue eyeshadow complements her attractive blue eyes!
Trilby Glover - Long hair with bloused out sides
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Trilby Glover hairstyles