Debra Messing's Hair

Debra Messing wearing her hair in a messy updo
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We wouldn't recognize our celebrity without her red hair. She looks stunning with the color as her eyes positively glow. This is a good example of what happens when you get the right color for your hair. The overall effect can be captivating and bring out your best features.
Debra Messing's hair is brushed back into messy shakes of back-combed piles that eventually form a possible French twist. Ends are purposely left astray, matching the wisps of tendrils along her face.
The special mixture of red tint has been customized just for her, and the taupe/blackish color that lines her eyes enhances her beauty. When you decide to have your hair colored, try on a few wigs first. Ask friends about the color you are considering, and most importantly, see what your hair professional says about your idea. If they care about this lengthy service, they will speak the truth and tell you what they think will suit you best.
Debra Messing with her hair styled up
Photos by PR Photos
If you see yourself as a blonde but would look better as a redhead, it might be wise to reconsider your choice. Many times, what we'd like to have will not look good on us. This is why it is important to always seek professional advice first.
Her subtle pinkish skin tones coordinate well with her cheeks and lips. Debra pays special attention to her most valuable asset: her eyes.
Debra Messing's red hair
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Debra Messing hairstyles