Lucy Lawless with Casual Hair

Lucy Lawless with casual hair and wearing a shiny top
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Lucy Lawless has long, warm brown layers with a few skinny threads of blonde woven throughout the hair, along with strips of darker brown. The overall color is a light, warm tone.
This is a delightfully casual hairstyle. We can see a simple side part that has been combed above the face, then dips along the temple, and takes up residence alongside one eye, mingling in along the rest of the hair.
A few lazy, idyllic waves make up the silent majority that lies below her shoulders. Just a little sheer makeup, a flesh-colored lip tint, a stroke of color on the cheeks, and a shiny top, and this girl is ready to go to the races or ride on the back of your bike. No fuss and no muss!
Lucy Lawless with a casual hairstyle
Photo by PR Photos
Lucy Lawless - Casual long below the shoulders hairstyle
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Lucy Lawless hairstyles