Gwyneth Paltrow's Straight Hair

Gwyneth Paltrow with shoulder touching hair
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Platinum highlights intertwined with delicate gold strands beautifully complement Gwyneth Paltrow's hair, with textured ends gently grazing her shoulders.
Hair at shoulder length offers versatility, whether worn as pictured or styled in an updo or half-up, half-down. A casual blow-dry with a spritz of gloss for added shine will enhance this look.
Today's makeup trend emphasizes a natural appearance, as seen in Gwyneth's warm-toned bronzer, lending her a healthy glow. With eyeliner defining both her upper and lower lids, luminescent shadow adorns her lids and under-eyes. A neutral lip tint completes her portrait effortlessly.
Gwyneth's earrings, featuring five teardrop gems, exude an antique charm that complements her elegant dark gray gown. Considering a new dress? Gray is currently in vogue and exudes timeless class. Some are even opting to paint their walls in battleship gray for a chic, contemporary look.
Gwyneth Paltrow with straight shoulder length hair
Photo by PR Photos
Gwyneth Paltrow with smooth hair that touches her shoulders
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More about Gwyneth Paltrow's hair