Perrey Reeves' Hair

Perry Reeves with shoulder length hair that flips up
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Perrey Reeves' hairstyle features an off-centered part, with her hair cascading smoothly down and flipping up on her shoulders. I've seen our celebrity with her hair up, and she looks absolutely stunning!
Imagine this: starting from her part, we brush all of her hair over to one side and secure it with a hair clasp. Then, we lift up a few strands from underneath to let them hang down over the pinned-up hair. There's a small strand in front and another along one side.
Meanwhile, we create a subtle pouf at the crown and add a shiny effect by wrapping some hair around her head. It's totally different and uniquely Perrey!
Dress and hair for a Perry Reeves look
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See also: More Perrey Reeves hairstyles