Emma Roberts' Formal Chignon

Emma Roberts - Hair brushed back into a formal hairstyle
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American actress and pop singer Emma Roberts is renowned for her roles in "Aquamarine" and "Nancy Drew." Did you ever dive into any Nancy Drew mystery books? Once you start, it's hard to put them down. I remember being hooked on them when I was younger.
Emma's hair features lovely tri-toned blondes and browns, giving off that sun-kissed vibe her hairstylist aims for. It's brushed back, possibly braided, then elegantly coiled into a perfectly shaped chignon secured with hairpins.
The top is adorned with a sparkly decorative hair band, while her bangs gracefully fall just below her eyebrows, seamlessly blending in with the rest of her hair cascading over her ears. This hairstyle exudes a formal elegance reminiscent of royalty. While Emma may not have a tiara, her hair band comes pretty close.
Why not give this look a try and experiment with twining your hair into a complementary chignon?
Emma Roberts wearing her hair up
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Emma Roberts wearing her hair in a chignon
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Emma Roberts
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See also: More Emma Roberts hairstyles