Lisa Loeb's Blunt Haircut

Lisa Loeb's foiled hair and glasses
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Pop singer and songwriter Lisa Loeb scored her first hit, "Stay (I Miss You)," in 1994, and she seems to be thriving, judging by the million-dollar smile she's sporting, capable of charming anyone in its path.
Her natural hair is a rich medium-dark brown with golden caramel streaks meticulously foiled in for contrast. It's elegantly parted on one side, with the top swept across her forehead and tucked neatly behind her ears.
Thanks to her blunt haircut, maintaining straightened locks is a breeze, achieved effortlessly with a flat iron and ample smoothing serum for both control and style. And let's not forget how effortlessly chic she looks with her glasses complementing this hairstyle!
Lisa Loeb's blunt haircut
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Lisa Loeb hairstyles