Paris Hilton's Updo

Paris Hilton with her hair in an updo
Photos by PR Photos
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Paris Hilton looked stunningly dressed for an enchanting evening, showcasing an elegant updo. This chic hairstyle is perfect for anyone looking to recreate a sophisticated look at home. Follow these steps for a DIY project that will leave you feeling glamorous.
First, start with clean, dry hair. To achieve the desired volume, gently back-brush your hair throughout. Creating a low part on one side is essential to mirror Paris’s style. Smooth the hair over your forehead, allowing it to dip slightly over one eyebrow for a glamorous touch.
Next, brush the remaining hair and gather it into a hairband. Fold the hair neatly, ensuring that the top loop sits atop while the smaller end rests below. Smooth the remaining top section over the side of your hair, allowing it to gently drape over one ear.
With these simple steps, you’ll be ready to dazzle at your next event, just like Paris Hilton. Whether it’s a glamorous evening out or a special occasion, this elegant updo is sure to turn heads.
Side and back view of Paris Hilton's hair in an up style
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Paris Hilton hairstyles