The Evolution of a Hairstyle (3)

The first photo, taken in 1992 at the MTV Video Music Awards, shows one of Halle Berry's earlier looks. Close-cropped at the sides and nape of the neck, the hair is styled to fullness and greater length at the parietal ridge and top of the head with soft curls.

The fourth style is an obviously festive updo created through the technique of twisting the hair in patterned sections to the back of the scalp, ending in a quasi-fall of tight, springy curls. From appearances, this style may have been executed after allowing the hair to grow a little more.

I make the point only because advances in cosmetic technologies and techniques have given us the ability to make dramatic and utterly natural-looking additions to the length of the hair.
It is entirely possible that the three previous photos are from the same general time frame as the photo above. The fusion method of hair extensions would have allowed Ms. Berry to go from gamine-short hair to mid-back length hair in a matter of hours. If, however, the hair was indeed naturally grown, it would require at least two years to achieve, give or take regular trimming (and gives us an indication of approximately when the three previous photos might have been taken).
A good stylist, trained in fusion-bonding extensions, can create natural-looking shades and colors of hair by combining different shades of hair strands and can even bypass the need for further chemical processing or wave pattern styling by using hair that has an almost infinite variety of wave patterns and curl sizes.
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