Comparing Hair Colors (2)

Whether the red is a flaming bright shade or just a subtle bit of warmth, the pheomelanin in the hair creates them all. Red hair can range in lightness levels from 2 or 3 all the way to levels 9 or 10. Common hair color terms for redheads include auburn, ginger, and carrot, which can be richer red-based colors or brighter orange-based colors.
Gray hair colors come from the absence of pigment, as stated earlier, but there's usually one of the other color categories upon which the gray shades are built. We speak of gray hair in terms of percentage of gray rather than levels. When the hair is 100% gray, it is actually a translucent white. At 50% gray, the hair is often called steel-gray, and 75-80% gray is usually referred to as silver.

As mentioned previously, there are colors that are a combination of categories. Those that are both blonde and redhead might be called "strawberry blonde," while "auburn" hair color is both red and brunette. Even "dishwater blonde" is a combination/crossover of the blonde/brunette groups.
Is the lovely Evan Rachel Wood a blonde or a redhead? The truth may be a matter of debate. I call it strawberry blonde, and it's a prime example of a combination of blonde and red hair colors.

Lovely Amber Tamblyn is stunning with her warm brown curls. Her auburn tresses are clearly an example of the crossover point between red and brunette hair colors.
See also:
Genes and hair color
Psychology of hair colors
Cool and warm hair colors
Hair colors and our color palette