Nikki Reed's Updo

Nikki Reed wearing her hair in an updo with a plaited bun
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Nikki Reed made a stylish appearance at the US Weekly Hot Hollywood Style Issue Event on April 22nd, 2010, opting for an elegant updo that accentuated her neckline. Her hair was gathered to one side and fashioned into a plaited bun, with a neatly swooped section cascading over her ear on the right.
A subtle, slanted part near the center of her head added a touch of asymmetry. Tendrils of curled hair framed her face, gracefully flowing down in wisps that almost reached her shoulders. The visibility of her baby hair at the edges complemented her thick eyebrows, enhancing her natural beauty.
This hairstyle imparted a girlish charm, complemented by her choice of attireā€”a short pink dress adorned with a black and wide comma-shaped band. Her cut-out black pumps added flair and style to her ensemble. Despite minimal accessories, with only a black purse in hand, Nikki Reed exuded elegance and sophistication.
Her effortless yet refined look at the event showcased her innate sense of style, blending femininity with a touch of understated glamour.
Nikki Reed wearing her hair up
Photo by PR Photos
Nikki Reed wearing a short pink dress
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Nikki Reed hairstyles