Lea Thompson's Red Hair

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A smiling Lea Thompson attended HBO's Golden Globe After Party on January 17, 2010, with her long red hair worn down and cascading over one shoulder in masses of curls.
The burgundy/maroon color of her empire waist evening dress isn't the most flattering choice for a redhead, nor does the orangey camel background provide the best complement for her coloring. There is very little contrast, as she almost blends into the wallpaper. A more suitable background color for her would be greens, blues, turquoises, or gray. It should not be too light due to the fairness of her skin, nor too dark for the same reason, depending on her attire.
Tip: Sometimes, if a dress clashes with your hair or skin tone, you can enhance your look with a decorative scarf around your neck or draped over your shoulders. In Lea's case, a gray wrap would have helped highlight her pretty red hair, especially with a different background color.