Free Spirited Ponytail

Hair in a free-spirited ponytail - Kate Bosworth
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Despite the wintry season, Kate Bosworth posed for the cameras on November 8th, 2004, looking like a fresh spring flower.
The strapless gray dress with small white and lacy ruffles, together with the subdued orange flower arrangement, showed off her pretty shoulders and allowed her hair to flow over her back.
Her long hair was treated for ultimate shine, styled into large waves that were loosely gathered at the back for a free-spirited ponytail. Several curly and wavy strands framed her face, adding to the romantic feel of the whole look.
Loosely gathered hair - Kate Bosworth
Photo by PR Photos
Kate Bosworth wearing a strapless dress with ruffles
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Kate Bosworth Hairstyles