Elegant Long Hair

Kate Beckinsale with long straight hair
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British Actress Kate Beckinsale looked sleek and attractive at the MTV Movie Awards on June 3rd, 2006.
Her black silk dress and the super smooth finish of her long, straight hair are elegant and alluring. Her hair was cut to the same length, about 5 inches over the shoulders, with light texturing at the ends.
The warm auburn hair color is intensified with gentle and thin light blonde highlights, complemented by coppery streaks for added warmth. Parted in the middle, it flows down the sides with healthy fullness and shine.
Kate Beckinsale's warm auburn hair with blonde highlights
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Kate Beckinsale's shiny long hair
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Elegant long hairstyle with a smooth finish - Kate Beckinsale
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Kate Beckinsale Hairstyles