Joely Richardson's Curled Hair

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Here's a photograph of Joely Richardson at the "Vampire Academy" Los Angeles Premiere on February 4, 2014. Joely's shoulder-length blonde hair is curled in very soft, relaxed curls, while her grown-out fringe is swept to the side to showcase her beautiful face.
Add blow-dry lotion and heat protection to wet hair before blow-drying it 100% dry. If you have very thick, curly, or coarse hair, you should blow-dry your hair straight in sections, working from the back to the front. This will ensure that your curls are glossy and relaxed..

Note that Joely's whole fringe is curled to the side of her face. Depending on the width and thickness of your fringe, either curl the whole fringe in one shot or in two. When you're finished with the curling iron, spray your hair with a low-hold spray. Then throw your hair back and forth about four times, and gently brush your fingers through your curls to relax them.
Finish the look with a shine spray, preferably something with a silicone base to block off humidity.