Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simspon with her hair cut in a bob
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Jessica Simpson chopped off her long, wavy hair and looked great with her new angled bob. She wears this timeless hairstyle parted in the middle with elegant simplicity.
The cutting line begins at the chin and lengthens slightly towards the back. The ends are undercut to allow for more volume and a classy inward curve.
Jessica stayed true to her light blonde color, which stands out in shiny splendor against the intense violet of her blouse. Despite the stunning color, the blouse would have been more appropriate for a retreat in a convent than for Jessica's TV appearance in New York City on September 4, 2006.
Jessica Simpson - Bob haircut with a longer back
Photo by PR Photos
Jessica Simpson wearing her bob parted in the middle
Photo by PR Photos
Jessica Simpson's bob styled with an inward curve
Photo by PR Photos
See also:
Medium-length celebrity hairstyles
More Jessica Simpson hairstyles